Monday, 2 June 2014

Pension Auto Enrolment

‘Auto enrolment’

A new law means that every employer must automatically enrol workers into a workplace pension scheme if they:

  • are aged between 22 and State Pension age
  • earn more than £10,000 a year
  • work in the UK

You may not see any changes if you’re already in a workplace pension scheme. Your workplace pension scheme will usually carry on as normal.

But if your employer doesn’t make a contribution to your pension now, they will have to by law when they ‘automatically enrol’ every worker.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

So you’ve secured an interview for the job of your dreams. Preparation is key. Make sure that you have researched the company thoroughly, read all you can on the internet about them and I don’t mean just their website – Google, twitter, facebook & trade press are good places to start. Mention any recent news articles about them that you have seen such as new contracts, new senior staff or an increase in profits. Ensure that you have read the menu thoroughly, read trip advisor reviews to get a feel for the service and customers.

First impressions count, it’s essential sure that you dress smartly, if you are due for a working trial arrive in a suit and take your whites with you. Be confident even though you may not feel it, shake hands and use the interviewer’s name.

Be sure to take with you any references you have from past employers/college lecturers/work experience. Take any certificates you have, take a copy of your CV in case the interviewer hasn’t a copy to hand, take confirmation of the interview with you to ensure that you don’t forget the interviewers name as interviews can cause panic. It is also a good idea to take any pictures of your food either from work or home and also any sample menus from your current job are also very useful to give the employer an idea of the dishes you are used to preparing and can be a good talking point to make both parties relaxed.

If possible do a trial run so you know how much time you need, sit in the bar for a drink or even have a meal to get a feel of the venue – mention this at interview, the interviewer should be impressed. Get a list of questions to ask, write them down there is nothing wrong with this and will show the interviewer that you have done your research. (A list of sample interview questions are available from Caterek, if you’d like a copy please email us be sure not to ask about days off, holidays or pay at this stage though.

Above all show enthusiasm, arrive on time, be polite, be friendly and after the interview, remember to thank everyone drop the interviewer or your recruitment consultant an email that day to reiterate your interest.

Good luck!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Your CV

Your CV

·          Start with your contact details, followed by education & then employment history
·            Always remember the CV hotspot – the upper middle area of the first page is where the recruiter's eye will naturally fall, so make sure you include your most important information there
·          Ensure that your employment history starts with the most recent
·          Include a list of duties for each role, its also important to include details of the number of covers, style of food & number in your team as well as a website link for each job to make it easy for the employer to get an idea of your ability
·          Include pictures of your food with brief description, use more pages if needed but don’t go over 4 to keep interest
·          If you’re sending a cover  letter make sure that you personalise it – put the correct contacts name, correct job reference and title
·          Don’t be afraid to amend your CV, tailor it to each role
·          A covering letter typically fleshes out the examples from your CV which best show you can meet the job and person specification of the role you’re applying for. You have the chance to write in full sentences, so you can show your ability and perhaps convey some of your personality; it’s your 1st impression so really consider what you include.
·          If including an email address on your CV think what it says about you – we’ve all seen which isn’t the best or most professional 1st impression!!
·          The best CV’s are clean, plain and direct. Ditch the patterns, too many lines/boxes/logos are a bit no no
·          Get the basics right – SPELL CHECK!

If you’d like us to take a look at your CV for free and offer some advice please send it to and we’d be happy to help

Friday, 10 May 2013

Hello..... A bit about us

About us…..

We’re Caterek, we’ve been established since 2008 and specialise in permanent Catering & Hospitality roles. All consultants have a background in Recruitment as well as having worked in the Hospitality industry.

We offer competitive rates along with an unrivaled 100 day 100% rebate structure for your peace of mind.

We work with leading brands, independents, contract caterers and fine dining venues for all of our latest jobs please take a look at or give us a call on 0207 1127510 for a chat, some advice or if you’d like us to take a look at your CV please send it to

Keep an eye on our blog over the next few weeks we'll be talking about interview advice, CV layouts, how to prepare for trials and much more. 

Please feel free to get involved and let us know if there's anything you'd like us to blog about.